What Your Team Members Really Want
I spend a lot of my time each day consulting with organizations or high-level individuals. Often, they are facing a situation that’s keeping them from reaching their potential.
I’m in the habit of asking the leader, “Who are the key people on your team?”
Then I ask, “What are your team members’ goals?” I generally get answers involving the organization’s goals or the leader’s goals, but rarely does anyone address or even recognize that their team members have goals.
Everyone around you has personal and professional goals. In an ideal organization, the group goals are made up of each individual team members’ goals; therefore, when the group succeeds, each person succeeds.
It’s not enough to have a team that is committed to your success. You must be just as committed to their success.
I’d like to work with you to identify your team member’s goals and tie those into your organization’s goals. Contact me for a no-pressure chat.
David Cohn