Ideas Are Free
5 or 6 small groups of employees from various departments sit huddled together totally immersed in the process and talking enthusiastically. One is capturing the flow on a pad.
30 minutes later, each group reports in a round-robin fashion. It is all captured on a 45-foot wide whiteboard. Quickly, the board is filled top to bottom, side to side.
The leader asks how much in savings do you think we have just captured?
$400,00. No, more like $1,000,000. Even more, someone else shouts.
In the next hour, 30-40 of the projects are undertaken by volunteers, are so notated and captured for follow-up. The rest are saved for later review and discussion.
The Idea Session is one of the most invigorating and enlightening activities that we have conducted with clients over the past 25 years.
Conducting one today will have benefits far beyond saving money, improving efficiency, reducing errors, and igniting people.
Employees are looking to find ways to help solve the daily challenges brought on by Covid-19. And to connect in positive ways with each other and with leadership.
David Cohn